This heirloom seed kit contains over 600 seeds covering dozens of species!
The flowers in this mix are part of a healthy garden.
Included are:
Calendula, Butterfly Milkweed, Columbine, Bachelor Buttons, Monarda, Coneflower, Clover, Dianthus, Foxglove, Gayfeater, Salvia, Nasturtium, Lupine, Maltese Cross, Four O’Clocks, Shasta Daisy, Phacella, Marigold, Coreopsis, Cosmos, Forget Me Nots, Nicotania, Evening Primrose, Candytuft, Clarkia, Delphinium, Penstemon, Phlox, Sunflower, Alyssum, Viola, Zinnia, Gaillardia, Meadowfoam
All to help you get a great harvest off of you Large Leaf Basil, Thyme, Greek Oregano, Sage, Butterhead Lettuce, Southern Giant Curled Mustard, Walla Walla Sweet Onions, Early Scarlet Globe Radish, Purple Teepee Beans Alaska Peas, and Silver King Sweet Corn
Thank you for your contribution. May your gardens flourish. Returning 3x the seeds you received from your harvest to PO Box 409, Index, WA 98256, will add you to our Seed Librarian List, earning you future rewards, and helping grow Save the Seeds Foundation, save the genetic diversity of our food supply.
Sincerely Flora and Fauna, The Bees at Save the Seeds Foundation
If you remember to let two of each plant go to seed, and this will be the last time you ever HAVE to buy these particular seeds!