Hello and blessings!
It has been a long pandemic. When we started our mission at Save the Seeds Foundation, we were doing so on at the behest of the Great Mother telling us we only had two years to prepare our food supplies before things were going to take a hard turn.
That was in 2018.
2 years later saw the beginning of one of the biggest food shortages and employment drops in living memory. Stores were pulling seeds from their shelves for reasons never truly explained well. Big named heirloom seed companies were running out of their supplies, and for half a year Save the Seeds Foundation was one of the only places that everyone who called us could find heirloom seeds.
Save the Seeds Foundation was able to provide gardens for everyone who asked, and that was only possible by the donations from our selfless supporters. The monthly pledges of those that are helping us save the bees, and promote heirloom gardening, helped save the livelihoods and wellbeing of numerous families over that past 18 months.
Food sovereignty is real sovereignty. Heirloom seeds were given to us by the Creator and have been the lifeblood of our well being since the earth was formed. Never in history have we needed to protect this valuable gift as much as we do now.
Save the Seeds Foundation is more than just a place to get your seeds from. It is a living seed library that promotes the propagation of our food through the changing climate, so that our food supply can sustain itself in the new climates that are becoming the norm.
Over the pandemic, a half acre of land was donated to Save the Seeds Foundation to plant our first official gardens. The work has been long and hard to get the ground ready; a perfect example of why Goddess gave us two years warning to get started.
Now more than ever we are able to help people realize their dream of helping the earth, instead of simply living upon it. Your donations help us reach, supply, and support those looking to do the work.
$10 can buy you two large lattes a month, a pack of cigarettes, 2.5 gallons of gasoline, or it can work together with other $10 pledges to protect, and grow, food freedom worldwide.
Thank you for taking the well being of the planet and its people into your hands. We thank you, and our bees, Flora and Fauna, thank you.